NW Contractor that specializes In: Concrete/Steel/Wood Restoration, Coatings, Overlayments, Waterproofing, Refrigeration, Anti-Mold/Bacterial & Peeling Technology, Injection Systems & Full Complete Line of Decorative Systems

This product line is an extra thin liquid resin that reacts with water and expands to form a close cell, watertight foam. This material is used to seal actively leaking joints and cracks in concrete/wood structures, particularly hairline cracks. The material is typically injected under pressure through injection ports.

Great for; Water Treatment Tanks, Dams, Below-grade Concrete Walls, Tunnels, Manholes, Elevator Service Pits, etc...

The pictures is our own case-study. The 300,000 gallon Wooden Water Tank was leaking approx. 30,000 gallons of water a day. We performed injections to the tank approximtely 12 years ago and stopped 99% of the leakage. We inspected the Tank 10 years after the installation and still holding up.



Hydrophilic/phobic Injections

   Advanced Restoration & Coatings, LLC         

   Dynamic Coating Solutions, LLC