NW Contractor that specializes In: Concrete/Steel/Wood Restoration, Coatings, Overlayments, Waterproofing, Refrigeration, Anti-Mold/Bacterial & Peeling Technology, Injection Systems & Full Complete Line of Decorative Systems

   Advanced Restoration & Coatings, LLC         

   Dynamic Coating Solutions, LLC                    

My name is Arnold Porter the owner of Advanced Restoration & Coatings and Dynamic Coating Solutions. In 1983 I started waxing & sealing floors for my brothers janitorial company. In 1986 at the age of 18 years old, I started a carpet cleaning and janitorial company. Shortly after, I picked up my first large account with the Boeing Company doing carpet cleaning for 100's of thousands of square feet of carpet. Within the first year, I was able to start installing floor coatings for the Boeing Company. I became fascinated with concrete restoration & coatings. I discontinued carpet cleaning and completely giving all of my attention in the restoration of concrete. I have done some of the most notarized work in the Pacific Northwest. My most well known landmark project I have done was installing 180,000 square feet of 7 color design Acid Staining for SAFECO FIELD. This includes installing the large MARINERS LOGO IN A TRANSLUCENT EPOXY that I helped to invent. I proceeded in all ranges in the industry from all forms of coatings, decorative, waterproofing, crystallization and reinforcement from residential to the industrial level.  

In 2001 I got tired of the rain and traffic in the greater Seattle area and settled in the Tri-Cities, WA. I still kept the greater Northwest as my territory. I started a lot of work in the food industry. From the many years of diverse experience  I have learned for the past 30 plus years of all the different parts of the industry. I am able to use my past experience on every single project small or large coming up with creative ideas for the customer with excellence and craftsmanship.  I am more than happy to give you my wisdom and experience on your next upcoming project.