NW Contractor that specializes In: Concrete/Steel/Wood Restoration, Coatings, Overlayments, Waterproofing, Refrigeration, Anti-Mold/Bacterial & Peeling Technology, Injection Systems & Full Complete Line of Decorative Systems
Advanced Restoration & Coatings, LLC
Dynamic Coating Solutions, LLC
Repair done at -10 F Below-Zero
7 Years after Installation
Just above Freezing - Repair & Coating Installation
After for has been Scarified
Freezer / Refrigeration Repair
Finished Coated Floor in Operation in a Couple Hours
This page will be built soon. We have several lines and services for this category. Feel free to email or call for a certain service you may require or more information. Look through the different services for more repairs.
Completed - In use within a 1/2 hour
Minus - 4 F Freezer Threshold
After Prep
Polyurethane Overlay to Reduce the Bump
Repairs - Polyurethane with Sand-Additive
Repairs - Polyurethane with Sand-Additive
Really Bad Bump Top of Ramp
Vacuum Grind
Repair done at -10 F Below-Zero