NW Contractor that specializes In: Concrete/Steel/Wood Restoration, Coatings, Overlayments, Waterproofing, Refrigeration, Anti-Mold/Bacterial & Peeling Technology, Injection Systems & Full Complete Line of Decorative Systems

   Advanced Restoration & Coatings, LLC         

   Dynamic Coating Solutions, LLC                    

Basecoat December 2016

Topcoat – December of 2016



Picture taken December 2018 – 2 years later No Mold, Bacteria or

Peeling found.

Phase #2

Material Information:

As a NW Contractor for over 30 years, that has done just about everything in my field. I have never seen a breakthrough in technology as extreme in the coating industry. This is a true Anti-Mold/Bacterial & Peeling coating system.

I done my own personal 2-year Case Study with Maplehurst Bakeries (Plush Pippen Pie Plant) part of the Weston Food Group. They have the same typical problems as we see in the majority of food processing plants... Mold or Peeling Paint or Bacterial like as... Listeria, Salmonella and E-Coli. During the warm months in the Puget Sound area, starting around June through September they start having a Mold problem. Phase #1 - We installed the Bioni system to a 800 square foot of wall section and we waited 2 years. In the 2-year period there was no Mold, Bacterial and Peeling problem. Phase #2 - During the holiday season of 2018 we completed 7,000 square feet of walls, Pictures below. Phase #3 - In 2019 we will start on more sections of walls and maybe ceilings.

 This material will also stick to FRP Paneling and Ceramic Tile . This material has no odor with a class "A" fire rating. For more information look through the product information.

Grout Base-Coat


Bioni - Anti-Mold/Bacterial & Peeling Coating System